How Many IEP Meetings In a Year — Only One Time?

Have you ever wondered how many IEP meetings you have during a school year? Many parents/guardians are surprised to learn that more than one meeting can be held each year for their student. The law states a minimum of one time per year. The parent/guardian or the school district has the ability to call for additional meetings. Requests for a meeting need to be made in writing, whether an email or an actual letter. As the parent/guardian, you are mandated to be notified of the meeting five (5) calendar days prior to the meeting. If the day, date, and time are not convenient, you may request another time. Be aware, that districts are not mandated to hold meetings before or after the teaching staffs’ working schedule.

If you are requesting an IEP meeting, explain, in the request, why you feel it is necessary. Generally, it is because you believe that a change/modification to your student’s IEP needs to be made. The school district also may request a meeting. This usually indicates that they are following the current IEP and feel that some changes need to be made. View this as a good thing–it means that they are aware of your student’s strengths and needs!

You may also request to participate using technology — speaker phone or video conference. During the current pandemic, meetings are being held using some form of video conferencing. The chair will email you the program being used and the link. If you do not have access to a computer, tablet, phone, etc. that has video capability, inform the school. You can still participate by telephone.

About Susan Blumenreich

I am a retired Special Education Administrator, former Principal and Special Education Teacher. Now as a special education advocate, I help students and their families collaborate with school districts to get special education services. If you are looking for an IEP advocate or 504 advocate in the New Jersey, New York, Virginia, Washington DC, or Maryland area, I would love to connect with you.