Special Education & Bullying:
Help! My Child Says That the Teacher and/or Other Students Are Picking on Him/Her

One of the most upsetting things a parent can hear from their child is that someone is picking on them. Being bullied in school is a problem for disabled and non-disabled students. Sometimes, it is a student or group of students picking on another student. Sometimes, it is a school adult singling out and picking on a student.

Regardless of the alleged perpetrators, all school districts have procedures to investigate and to provide consequences. Generally, there is a form on the school and/or district website or Student Handbook to be completed. The title of the form varies from district to district. Once the complaint has been submitted, it sparks an investigation. Even if the complaint is found not to be bullying, it may show that a school rule or regulation was broken. It is then up to the school to determine what, if any, consequences are to be given.

By filing the form, you are starting or adding to a paper trail. There may have been other complaints against the same person. So, even if this is not deemed “bullying,” the school is alerted to watch and monitor the actions of the person against whom the complaint is made. This goes for students who believe a school adult is bullying them.

Depending on the age and abilities of your student, I recommend that they assist in completing the form. This often helps the student deal with the issue. Also, they see an adult working to help them. And, most important of all, they learn that there are peaceful ways to solve a problem.

About Susan Blumenreich

I am a retired Special Education Administrator, former Principal, and Special Education Teacher. Now, as a special education advocate, I help students and their families collaborate with school districts to get special education services. If your special education student is experiencing bullying or other issues in the New Jersey, New York, Virginia, Washington DC, or Maryland area, I would love to connect with you.